We believe that there is always something that can be done to make a real estate agent´s life easier. For example, in terms of collaboration with other agencies. We have designed a web platform that will help real estate agents to collaborate faster and more effectively.

Shared sales is a very common practice between the agencies, as many agents have buyers looking for specific products that another agent would have. In such cases we rush to the webs of the friendly agencies and browse through tens of listings, but we never know if these listings are direct from the owners, or whether there is another agent in the middle that makes is unprofitable to collaborate.

On the Multi Listing Service Tenerife web the agencies only post the properties that they have directly from the owners or with an exclusive contract. This way you will always be sure that the commission is split 50/50, and that there are no 3-party deals.

All the best agencies from Tenerife in one place, on the web that is easy to operate and free. For the agencies´ use only, MLS Tenerife is created by the agents for the agents.

Recent Listings

From the best real estate agencies in Tenerife


212 000.00 € - Studio